Suppose you check your email one day and find a message from your bank or better yet from your email provider such as yahoo. You've gotten e-mail from them before, but this one seems suspicious, especially since it threatens to close your account if you don't reply immediately. What do you do? This scenario be-fell one of the reporters of K24 . This was a surprise considering her profession; an IT savvy journalist. To me, she ought to have been extra careful in replying to such spoofed emails. Nevertheless,it has happened to many Kenyans. I have also been a victim. Kenyans have no clue what security concerns this phished website can have in their lives. To some, coining a password is like doing calculus. Calculus was one of those subjects never liked by many esp considering it had lots of symbols and less of the 'ABC' and '123' characters. For example, rather than using "123456" or the ever popular "Password" to protect your account; whic...
Lifestyle, Technology and Personal Finance