Tumaini medical center is probably one of the busiest institutions at the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) compound in Marsabit. On the day I made a visit, more than 10 persons were waiting for a diagnosis to establish if they have HIV Aids and the extent to which it has developed, according to a staff at the clinic. Many of these persons, are women coming as far as Marsabit south ( Laisamis ) and Marsabit north ( Chalbi ) districts. The clinic is located in Marsabit Central. It’s a Food for the Hungry (fh-Kenya) supported venture in conjunction with the Washington University of the US. It is a comprehensive clinic center where a study on HIV prevalence study is undertaken. It is not known how many of these clinics are spread all over Kenya, any one with an idea? Many of us, myself included found it difficult to locate Marsabit. Google maps didn’t fair better in locating the mountainous oasis.This is mainly due to the rugged, ma’shiftas' (vigilantes) infested road linking ...
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