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Showing posts from January, 2012

Thirsty? Beware of Fruit Drinks, They are No Better Than Drinking Soda!

Once in the supermarket, you are drawn to the pictures of juicy and healthy-looking label of a drink. The assumption, for many of us, is that what is inside the carton contains significant amounts of juice from the tasty-looking fruit on the outside. This is not always the case. Whereas the label ' fruit juice ' is generally reserved for beverages that are 100% fruit juice; similar to making your own homemade juice , ' fruit drinks ' or ' juice drinks ' are often no more than flavoured water that has been artificially colored and packed with added sugars. In many cases, these supposedly healthy alternatives to fizzy drinks (sodas) consist of no more than 5% juice.

15 Ideas Of What To Wear For Valentine's Day

Valentine is here once again. The day of Love! The fact is there's no getting away from red on this occasion. Whatever your status, come February 14, some people will enjoy being noticed and what you wear will influence how other people see you. Whether an affordable or expensive Valentine's day, here are ideas to a red hot Valentine's style and wear:

Herbal Treatment For Common and Problematic Diseases

For obvious reasons such as inadequate health facilities as well as shortage of relevant staff; folks who fall sick in remote areas are unlikely to be taken to a health clinic for treatment. Rather, these fellows are rushed to a traditional healer. Thanks to their deep knowledge of traditional herbal therapies, most common and problematic diseases have herbal cures, whether complicated or minor.

How Hand-Held Laser Pointers Can Cause Blindness

Laser pointers are growing in popularity as a device for both business and home use. For example, they are used in lecture halls and demonstrations, business presentations to highlight crucial points and also to entertain cats who enjoy pouncing on the light as it bounces across the wall. These devices look deceptively safe in the hands of the speaker pointing at the screen but it can cause serious eye damage if used inappropriately. The same way manufacturers argue that cell phone radiation posses no risk, it's no wonder that the makers of laser pointers insists that they pose minimal dangers to your eye-sight. They claim that these devices lack the power to cause blindness. The reality is the light from some laser pointers can damage the eye if stared at directly for more than 10-15 seconds.

Flu vs Common Cold Symptoms; What Is The Difference

When I was younger, I could not understand why some people would get really sick with flu or cold to a point of missing school or work. I thought, like most people, that flu or common cold symptoms are the same. Now, however, I know better, especially after having a really bad case of the flu early last year. What's The Difference? The common cold and the flu are both viral infections of the airways. However, they are caused by different viruses. Although sometimes one can be confused for the other, the flu tends to be more severe and is usually associated with headache, cough, fever, joint and muscle aches, and tiredness.These symptoms can be quite severe.