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Showing posts from February, 2012

How Setting and Achieving Goals Can Help Your Life Focus

It’s also important to be specific with your goals. Take your larger goal and break it down into smaller, more digestible bites. If your dream job requires a certain degree or level of training, developing those skills will make it possible for you to reach your goals. While the act of setting goals can be a challenge, beginning to work toward those goals can be much more difficult. Sometimes, the path from point A to point B can seem so long and complicated that getting started is too much trouble.

10 ways to Prepare and Apply Herbs for Home Remedies

Many a times, when people fall sick they immediately seek the attention of medical practitioners who'll then  dispense drugs making them part with huge sums of money in exchange. But is it worth it? For example, when you walk or work in the sun for many hours and there is limited water to wash the blood resulting in headache as a signal to make you drink water. Taking drugs to cure headache is not the solution. The solution is supplying the body with enough water. Alternative herbal remedies does not claim to be the only remedy for every disease. It's a fact which can be understood that for general health and well being; and in cases where medicines fail to cure a disease, one has to take the help of other therapies (proper diet, juice and herbal treatment).

How to Grow and Juice Wheatgrass at Home

Did You Know? A common belief that raw food is difficult to digest is baseless. It's an established fact that cooked food takes six to eight hours for complete digestion, raw food takes three to four hours. For vegetable, fruit and wheatgrass juice it takes only 1 to one and a half hours for digestion and complete absorption. Thus, for quick nourishment learn how to grow and extract wheatgrass at home.

Wheatgrass Juice: To take or Not, Its side effects and Who's at Risk

No other raw food has been acclaimed as useful as the wheatgrass. It's a ' complete food ' where you can pass your entire life by living on wheatgrass juice. Its healthy and medicinal benefits surpasses all other juices particularly in body nourishment. The chlorophyll contained in the wheat grass purifies the blood and destroys hostile bacteria thriving in the intestines. The chlorophyll particles are similar to haemoglobin. So it works as an iron-element in anemia. Chlorophyll increases the function of heart, lungs, the urinary bladder and intestines. It is a unique green supplement because it enhances the basic change in nitrogen.

How to Make Delicious Juice Blends that Energize the Body

Although this article marks part of therapeutic values of juices , delights of juices and their blends may seem out of place. Some juices such as juices of pineapple, orange, carrot, apple, papaya are delicious on their own. But once with a juicer, you can experiment with a various juice blends to suit your relish and contentment. Some excellent blends of juices are as follows: Apricot-Apple: Soak a few dried apricots in water. When they are completely soaked, remove their seeds. Put seedless apricots in a juicer. Add a few slices of an apple to it and extract juice. Add ice to it. Enjoy the taste of the combination.

Clothing Fabric; How To Choose It For Your Custom Wear

Did You know? Clothes with smooth finishes stay clean longest. If there is one thing that can be a tricky buy, although addictive, is selecting a cloth fabric. To avoid scenarios of wrinkled and baggy everyday wear, you need to understand their properties. You need practical information about different fabrics so that you can shop wisely and dress well. Fabrics vary in strength, warmth, wash-ability and so on. There are main things that give them these characteristics.