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Showing posts from March, 2012

Over The Counter Medication-How Mixing it With Alcohol is a Bad Idea

Celebrity singers and actors like Anna Nicole Smith, the King of Pop and Whitney's death must, probably remain a mystery - but the sad truth is that, their fate was sealed by a deadly cocktail of alcohol and medication. Whenever you visit a pharmacy, take a closer look at the warning on your medication: whether it's over-the-counter medicine for a cough or cold or prescribed drugs, the label on the bottle or the packaging inside the box will make it clear that you should NOT mix medicine with alcohol.

Interest Rates Going Up? What it Means for You

Borrowing is perhaps the greatest form of leverage in both personal and business wealth building. Indeed, it has been proven that you can never become substantially rich using your own money. However, borrowing has become a pricey affair as witnessed with the interest rate revisions in our banking sector. In this high interest rate environment, the mind goes into overdrive and we begin to seek ways to cope with heavier repayment obligations. It is however critical that we understand the reasons behind the current environment.

Personal Financial Planning: Take this Quiz to Find Out How Savvy You Are

Stop anyone on the streets and they'll share their goals for financial prosperity and freedom with you. What is not common, however, is the will to take risks and embark on making these dreams come true. Fear is the common denominator of dreams that remain just that, a dream! It's that fear that keeps one going to the same job year after year for the same financial reward or token salary, which they could double if they only dared to start even a small business of their own. It's this fear that separates the successful from the dreamers. For others, it's not fear or lack of confidence or opportunity but just plain laziness. Some people have enough or can raise enough, set themselves up and set up a business, but they are in a comfort zone of guaranteed wages, never mind if those wages are low, have been the same over the years and are likely to remain so. They never look for a different or other opportunities.

How to Find Blogging Ideas Using Google

Many bloggers, and yes for me too occasionally experience "bloggers block" that limits the flow of ideas when blogging. No matter if you're a housewife, student or jobless, blogging can turn you into a successful entrepreneur if applied correctly. Several strategies such as backlink tags are easy to implement, but churning out new, original post day after day is often a challenge. Finding new ideas is one of the difficult aspect in blogging. Blog ideas can be obtained from many sources, including current news, own experience, customer interaction. However, another great way to search for ideas is simply using Google instant search.

Missed Morning after Pill? What To Do Next

One of the question that almost every woman starts asking after having unprotected sex and resulting to morning after pills also known as emergency contraception, is how often the pills need to be taken to be effective in preventing pregnancy? As a rule of thumb , the sooner they are taken after unprotected sex the better . The effectiveness depends on how consistent you're in taking the pills. Risk of getting pregnant is high when you start a new pill pack 3 or more days late, or you missed 3 or more pills near the beginning or end of a pill pack. It's recommended that you take one pill daily and start each new pack of pills on time. In some cases, with the daily hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to forget taking a pill or even take it late. In such these circumstance, if you're a frequent user of these emergency contraception, then you're familiar with the instructions provided with the pack.